Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Good News!

I spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not insanely rich, powerful, entitled men get along with each other, so it's with great relief I see the Illinois Senators will sit together at the State of the Union:
Defying tradition, Sens. Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk of Illinois will sit together during the State of Union address on Tuesday, a Durbin aide said Wednesday.

Durbin is a Democrat and Kirk, a Republican. Normally members of Congress sit on opposite sides of the aisle, in the House of Representatives, for the speech.
How sweet!  Maybe one of them can give the other a corsage? Can somebody sidle up next to them and softly play the violin with the lights dimmed? Remember - it's perfectly fine for Congress to completely screw everybody else over as long as they're also making sweet, sweet love to each other. People may claim this is worthless symbolism, but I see that as an insult to things that are, like car alarms and the female orgasm, actually worthless.

Hey, let's hope this turns out better than the last time bitter foes crossed lines to hug and kiss each other: one of them has had to live with the HIV virus, and the other with being Isiah Thomas.

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