Sunday, January 02, 2011

Where Have You Gone, Jeff Lamp? A Nation Turns Its...Oh Fuck It, Nobody Gives a Shit

from ICI:
Some people see March 30, 1981 as the day President Reagan got shot. I see it as the final game Jeff Lamp, Lee Raker and Terry Gates ever played for UVa, beating LSU in the last NCAA Final Four consolation game ever played, somewhat perversely becoming the last team ever to win it's final tourney game without winning the tournament.

Looking on it now, kinda surprised they haven't brought this game back, as I'd be another game to squeeze $$$$$ from tv. You got people sitting around waiting for the Monday night game, why not play the consolation game on Sunday?
LSU/UVa are playing on ESPN right now, and I found myself watching for a few moments before remembering oh yeah, UVa basketball hasn't mattered since my balls were bald.

Though I am pleased to find this book and will order it - I got it when it came out in 1983 and had that fucker memorized.

Holy crap, this is pretty awesome:

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