Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You're Watching a Love Connection in Real Time!

I likes me some horse-teefed, fake-tittied womens with over-tanned, horsehide skin and bleached teeth who like parading around in bikinis with their mons pubis, if that's even a real thing, peeping out for all to see.

Matter of fact, there's a certain lady from a certain town I'm moving to in July of 2012 that,as I wrote HERE, fits the bill perfectly:
I'm starting to realize that Katie Price is a younger version of Gina Gershon, but without the annoying need to actually have a career or the reluctance to pump her titties up as big as basketballs. In other words, I'm in love and will dedicate my life to some day being in the same room as her with my balls hanging out of my pants, breathing in the same air as them big fuckins bazooms. Sigh.
So well, well well...LOOK who's deciding to get single now, clearing the dicks  decks for my arrival next year!!  Nom nom nom!!!!!

Sigh. The mother of my future abandoned children. (tearing up) 

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