Friday, February 25, 2011

At Least Now He'll Have Time to Film Major League IV

To me, the whole Charlie Sheen thing is strange because the show seemed perfectly fine with him running around getting busted sniffing blow off hookers' titties and destroying hotel rooms.  They had no problem with him cheating on his wife/girlfriend or physically assaulting her.  They were also fine with both his anti-semitic and racist rantings.  And yet it took him calling the main writer "stupid" for them to finally shut down the show.  Everything else was fine, but that was somehow over the line, and worth pulling the plug.

I also am still mystified by the show anyway, as I still don't know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who has ever seen a minute of this show. You know my own tv watching resume, and even I haven't seen it.

But it's all worth it, thanks to this genius riff found HERE.  Based, of course, off the very first Peanuts strip.  Genius!  :)

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