Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bieber Doesn't Wanna Murder Babies, Is a MarxistSocialistObamaist!!!!!

I guess as a nation we're supposed to work up some outrage because Justin Bieber isn't crazy about abortion and likes his own Canadian healthcare system.  Personally, I'd think a better question would be why on Earth anyone would ask Justin Bieber a question outside the realm of "seriously, how do you get your bangs to do that?" or "if you lined up all the Dora the Explorer underoos that have been thrown at you onstage, would they reach the Moon?"

For fuck's sake, when newborn PUPPIES see this little kid they go "awwwwww, how cute!" so I feel like spending too much time being collectively OUTRAGED!! that he hasn't 100% subscribed to the Tea Party just yet might imply a lack of serious focus on our part.

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