Sunday, February 27, 2011


I just saw the pilot episode for Starz' upcoming new series Camelot, and, I must say, I was very pleased with it.  As you know that I'm a sucker for the Arthurian Legend to begin with, so I went in wanting to like it.  They've kept the story clean and simple thus far.  There's some levity, but not too much. And the violence/sex isn't anywhere near as over the top asStarz' two great series of Spartacus.

Of course, the story is so proven, it's hard to fuck up without trying.  As the ehad writer os the series has been quoted, "every era needs its version of the story of Camelot."

I look forward to the premiere on April 1.

As a bonus, it's got an all-time Mrs. Xmastime, one of the chicks from the godawful MallratsClarie Forlani.  Nom nom nom!!!!!

ps - looking on his Wikipedia page, I just noticed that the guy playing Arthur was born on November 22, 1988.  Ironically, 25 years to the day after the death of Camelot. Hmm. Interesting.

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Mallrats was great - not every movie has to have serious undertones. Kevin Smith was just being his immature comicbookloving self - it ws the film he wanted to make. And, yes, introducing Claire was great filmmaking in and of itself.