Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Chapter 4: My Nails

The word on Lil' Sniff's "memoir" is going around:

The book, which is set to be a whopping 304 pages, is priced at $25.99, according to the website.
Granted, I know nothing about the process of publishing one's memoirs (my own Xmastime: You Have No IDEA How High I Can Fly! is still waiting to be picked up by an agent). And I get that putting out a "memoir" by Bristol Palin is an easy way to ca$$$h in by fooling stupid people.  But if it hasn't been written yet, how do they know it's gonna be exactly 304 pages?  Or does Amazon just stick any ol' number in there for future books?  Will they take what she gives them and just keep stuffing in pictures and drawings and blowing up the font until they hit 304 pages?

"I met Levi in 6th grade.  He was very, very, very, very, very, very, very nice.  Then we started dating in the 8th grade and he was not very, very, very, very, very nice at all.  Which sucked, because when we met in 6th grade he had been very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very nice."
[next 8 pages: my Thanksgiving hand turkey from 3rd grade]

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