Thursday, February 17, 2011


Rrthur (YES, ladies, THAT Rrthur) correctly points out that Being There was Wilco's SECOND album, therein discrediting my whole theorem, other than the fact that Misunderstood fucking rules.

In my defense, Rrthur shit himself in the 5th grade, so.


rrthur said...

(arms crossed. shaking head like mussolini)

The Gnat said...

Wilco's problem is that everything since Summerteeth (yes, even YHF)has been very static. Their previous albums showed changes in sound and genre and, with it, the band's image. For Being There, they were the World's Most Dynamic Rock Band. For ST, they were the World's Most Artful Rock Band. For YHF, they were the World's Most Deserving Rock Band. Since then they are Your Lame Dad's Favorite Hipster Band at best. Without elaborating on why, I just say RIP Jay Bennett.