Monday, February 14, 2011

Deep Xmastime

I really love it when I hear someone calls it “ValentiMe’s Day.” Cracks me up, like black folks down home saying that as kids they had “chicken pops.” I used to give physicals in the Air Guard and that was one of the questions I’d ask, and without fail I’d get “well, I had the chicken pops” and it never failed to crack me up. Awesome. “Chicken pops”, sounds like a cereal. And no, that doesn’t make me a racist since I also don’t give a fuck what happened to Nathalie Holloway. - XMASTIME

1 comment:

Gina said...

Funny, I was just asking my EX if had just said the M or the N. He became somewhat allusive and then swore it was the N.

Did you. cuz I distinctly heard M.

no, it was N.... Tines! Like a fork.

hmm...alright. I believe you. no big deal...