Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hollywood is finally giving us a movie wherein two complete doofusses are given a week to sleep with other women by their outrageously smoking hot wives, who are inexplicably 1) worried about their men leaving them  2) married to them in the first place.  I'm guessing there's gonna be some dick jokes, some scat humor, and a lot of "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" when it comes to hitting on gorgeous women, with some "look how whackily different men and women are - women are mysteries, men are SO simple!" observations scattered throughout the bromance. Thank you, Hollywood - this means we're a step closer to them finally giving us a movie with Will Ferrell as a vacant dimwit who takes his shirt off to reveal his not-so-toned body.  Now if they'd only take the shackles off Judd Apatow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And at a run time of 105 minutes I'm guessing it is exceptionally well edited, with no excessive exposition or prolonged non-sequitors.

These guys should get 90 minutes of film and lose a finger for every minute after that.