Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birfday, #11!

As I find myself buried under the oppressive, devastating knowledge that I am going to die alone my body finally found by my 28 cats   an onslaught of Valentine's Day gifts you sweet young ladies have showered me with today, let's not forget that today is also former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe's birthday.  Bledsoe has given the world two great things: Tom Brady, meaning more excuses to see his hot as fucking balls wife walking around half naked, and maybe the greatest blog of all time. (“But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “YOU have the greatest blog of all time!!")

Yeah yeah, we all know this, but it's not my birfday, now is it?

Thank you, Drew!

ps - ooooh, he's tweeting now (and he stole my fucking background!!!  wtf?)

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