Monday, February 14, 2011

Howard Stern

I've never been able to listen to his show for more than five minutes, because that's always how long it is until some stripper or retard comes on, but I've always loved him whenever he's on Letterman.  But I've also been obsessed with his movie Private Parts - to this day, if it's on, I'll watch (most due to Pig Vomit, to be fair.)  There's something even about the way it looks - I hate summer, I even hate LOOKING at movies that are summery, but for some reason this is the only movie I like seeing the city in sunlight/summer et al. Maybe because it's from a time just before I moved here, I dunno.

Anyhoo, apparently he just did a live-tweet while viewing the film, which you can read in it's entirety HERE.

On a quasi-similar NYC-in-the-summer note, I was so fucking down in the dumps while bedridden that I made myself suffer through the Sex and the City movie.  Wow.  All I will say is that I'd love to find out who the genius was during the writing who came up with " know what would be awesome? If we have the non-whore one shit her pants!"

Fucking christ.

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