Friday, February 11, 2011

I Am Fucking Beyond Miserable.

Throughout January, I was perplexed re: I was eating healthier than I ever had and drank less than any month in decades, and yet spent the entire month with fucking gout attacks.  Finally a few days ago, they all seemed to dissipate, and I thought okay, I guess that's over with.

So of course last night the shit comes ROARING back; every fucking joint in my right leg is flared up and feels like it's being shredded with forks.  I can't fucking take this anymore.  Medicine doesn't work. Eating better doesn't work.  No matter what, I end up with sleepless nights, in complete fucking agony.  I might as well just go back to drinking gallons of beer and inhaling fucking cheeseburgers every fucking day.  Something gotta give, I can't fucking live like his anymore. What the fuck?

If it turns out that there is a god and he's pissed I've professed to not believing in him, and this is how he's planning to pound me into submission, I give. I surrender. I'll become a fucking priest, just make this shit stop.


The Gnat said...

I think the same way about trying to live real healthy. Too much work, then you get hit by a meteorite, but you leave a good looking corpse. Hang in there.

Gina said...

What did I tell you to do? No...WHAT did I TELL YOU TO DO!?

get it?

Gina said...

Marley said...

What drugs have you taken/are you taking?

Xmastime said...

nabumetone and hydrocodone (both useless)

Aleve has finally started giving some relief. and ill probably o.d. on it (lookit me. i still got it.)

Marley said...

Have you gone to the doc and asked about gout treatment (indomethacin or sulfinpyrozone) rather than pain relief?. There are also several other drugs that reduce uric acid. Nabumetone and hydrocodone aren't treatments, just pain relief. I have sarcoidosis and when it flares, I have one set of drugs for pain (hydrocodone and oxycodone can get me to sleep) but the other set of drugs alleviates the symptoms (a variety of corticosteroids).

By the way - stop bitching about your pain in public, you fruit.

Xmastime said...

no, I just went to the doc and stood around making them guess without actual testing. cause, you know, Im an idiot.

i got indomethacin, which was not very effective.

certainly not as effective as they TELL YOU, eating like a rabbit/not drinking is supposed to, and we know how that went.

and since im at the whims of the free clinic (thanks Obama!) i had to deal with maybe not the greatest doctors in the world, although maybe the hottest

if i didnt bitch about the gout, how would I have ever known you got it too - see how much closer this is bringing us?!?!?!!?!!!!

Marley said...

What other treatment drugs have you tried besides indomethacin, how long were you on that and how long were you on any others?


Xmastime said...

Dear Fag,

2 or 3 months; never stopped an attack or was as effective as hoovering Aleve. im about to start a cycle of a more generic indocin that a roommate swears by.


Unknown said...

I wouldnt wish this disease on my worst enemy and I'm certainly feeling it today. I'm 51 and have been having episodes for about 10 years now. my doctor keeps trying different meds and now I'm on Uloric for 1 month and now I have it again, but they say I may get a flare up as the crystal start releasing from joint. I have it in my right pinky finger which is swelled up beyond belief and is black and blue, now my whole hand is swelling up. Its beeen bad for a week now. You really start the apprecite the good times when you have flare ups. I'm trying some alfalfa tablets from Shaklee because Ive read that that is good for it. sorry about my typing its because im in so much pain right now.