Monday, February 07, 2011

Onslaught of Stupid

Sniffy rather suspiciously cancels a speaking event in Colorado because of an "onslaught of personal attacks":

Former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was scheduled to speak at an event for a Colorado nonprofit group May 2, but the event was canceled the day after it was announced due to "an onslaught of personal attacks" against Palin.
Of course, turns out this "onslaught" doesn't actually exist, and Sniffy is using the fear of a culture of violence that she could be considered partly responsible for herself:

The press release goes on to say that no direct threats were made against Palin, nor were any made against members of the organization's staff, but in light of the shooting rampage in Arizona last month, the negative rhetoric "raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America."
Who signs off of sending out a press release that goes from "I can't do it because of an ONSLAUGHT!! of personal attacks" to "there have been no personal attacks of any kind", all on the same page?  How does this escape the drafting board, much less gets taken seriously by the media?

Turns out, coincidentally, there's a "Who Wants to Sound Stupid?" GOP debate going on the same night, at which I'm sure she'll find security to be adequate enough for her presence.  This "debate" must be incredibly important for Sniffy to have canceled on the Colorado event, since military families in need and grief camps for kids who have lost family members in combat are certainly very important to her  unless any other thing in the world comes up that could possibly make her another dollar or help her own brand while patting herself on the back.

Side note: anyone have any idea why we even have military families "in need"?

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