Thursday, February 24, 2011

They Stole Guitars and Used Guitars So the Tape Would Understand

I'm so old that while in college I actually called Rolling Stone magazine and told them I wanted to write a college paper on the Clash. They were so baffled that they actually SENT mimeographed copies of every article on the Clash that had been in RS, along with a personal note "Greg - hope this helps, let me know how it goes." I still have the stuff they sent me; doing something like that in today's internet age is pretty unthinkable.
A few months ago I wrote HERE that I would come up with a single-album version of Sandisita! that would be up to The Clash's usual standard of excellence.  But, after talking about it with Dish today (happy birfday, Dish!), I realize that all I've come up with so far is an album that doesn't even have ten tracks, and includes a cover, a cover of one of their own songs, and a song that wasn't even on Sandinista! anyway. Man.

Track listing:
Hitsville UK
The Leader
Someone Got Murdered
Lose this Skin
Police on My Back
The Sound of the Sinners
Career Opportunities

On the other hand, the "research" for this post reminded me that at one time I loved The Sound of the Sinners.

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