Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wang Dang Hypocritical Poontang

It's curious that for all of Ted Nugent's "pull yourself up by your bootstraps!!", evil gub'ment bureaucracy can go to hell!!, everybody should only be allowed to eat what they've wrestled to the ground and the weak be damned blathering, his declaring bankruptcy in 1980 never seems to come up. Hmm.

How Clint Didier of him!

FULL DISCLOSURE: I loved him on Supergroup!


Kiko Jones said...

Also, that he crapped and peed himself fully clothed, and showed up in front of the draft board days later still reeking, feigning insanity as to avoid serving in Vietnam, never seems to come up, either.

Unknown said...

While my abhorrence of gun-violence makes me recoil every time I think it, I often find myself wondering which crazed gun-nut would make the best poster child if someone were to walk up and put two in their dome.

I gotta think Nugent would be top five.