Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Ain't Scared

In a comment under THIS POST, The Gnat tries to remind me that I'm supposed to be curled up the fetal position under my bed, pissing my pants worrying about Iran:

I hope you're happy when Egypt becomes Iran. Thanks Barry for not knowing what the hell to do on the international stage like every other Dem. YORF
I guess The Gnat has forgotten how I once ruled the halls of Essex High School, where I'd light matches for my Lucky Strikes on teacher's faces ("yeah, I'm smoking!!  get back in class and teach how to be a loser!") and collect "insurance" from the younger kids. So I'm not worried about Iran; if Iran tried to get all up in MY grill I'd be like "hold up motherfucker, what the fuck are you looking at?" and then Iran would be all "oh, ah, nothing! sorry, I-" and I'd be all like "you what? sorry you're a fucking pussy, is that what you're sorry about?" and Iran would be like "well, I, I-I-I-I-I" and I'd cut him off like "dduuuh, I-I-I-I-I, spit it out, you fucking s-ndn---er!" and Iran would be like "I'm so sorry, I'll just-" and I'd be all like "you'll just WHAT?" and then I'd be all like "now GIT your sorry ass back home to Africa!" and then Iran would be scampering out of my goddam face.

But hey, that's just me!


Unknown said...

Doesn't this plot always end with the bully being gay at the end?

The Gnat said...

And why aren't you still enforcing US dominance in the AF?

All I'm saying is that we could control the Shah, but the nutjobs running the country now are more democratic and more dangerous. Popular sentiment in the Arab world does not lead to stability.

Xmastime said...

democracy is dangerous? i can then assume you'd have been on George III's (ie, "Trey" (or "Trip", short for "Triple"?)) side back in the day? (me too! 7/14/12 I'm in London, beeyotches! :) wait til I start poo-pooing The Yankees and lecturing about cricket!)

on a more serious note, my Africa bit was funny, no?

seems like I should be able to come up with something funny about the actual name "The Shah"...hold on...

Xmastime said...


while in the USAF, I had 19 Arab kills. how many did you fucking have, sitting curled up on a couch at the Green Box with Seb & Knowlton, watching 90210 and playing NHL Hockey '92? Huh? so, yeah, FUCK YOU!!!!

UPDATE: um...I was just informed you and Seb & Troy actually had 813 Arab kills from the Green Box in that one summer alone. I, um...(cough) obviously, this is embarrassing for me...