Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Wheel Goes Round and Round.

The Dow Jones has risen a remarkable 84% since Obama took office, and Thinkprogress HERE is wondering about conservatives' "curious" silence upon the Dow Jones hitting 12,000, since even before he moved into The White House the panicked death knell red sirens were sounding daily when it was so low.

I pointed out the exact same thing over a year ago, when the Dow was nearing 10,500.

Of course getting wound up about the daily ups and downs of the Dow, one way or the other, is silly. And obviously this silence is just typical "blame the other guy/don't give credit" political gamesmanship that any party does when it can. What you should take from this is

1) I am smarter than you.
2) I am better than you.
3) I'm thinking about getting a hamster to keep myself company. This is what it's come to. I'll call him "Hameneggz." "Hammy"? Hmm.


Carol said...

Great post. And Hameneggz works.

Anonymous said...

One wonders why you are not working on Wall Street since you know so much about the market.