Friday, February 04, 2011

Wow. Goodbye, Sniffy.

Am I dreaming, or am I watching a live feed on FOX News of Sarah Palin delivering a "speech" at the Reagan Centennial Opening Ceremony, and by "delivering a speech" I mean "looking at her notes and reading" (NOT  a teleprompter!!!), and it sounds like about nine people are there? She's getting about as much applause as any night at the Elks Club. She even looks terrible, she's sweating mascara. She barely has the energy to squeeze out her pre-recorded plaudits about Reagan. I'll be honest. It's almost sad to watch. This is terrible.

Oh, keep the "flame of the Reagan revolution burning bright!!'

This is like watching Willie Mays in '73, or Ali get beaten by Holmes. Geez.

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