Thursday, February 10, 2011


I can remember a time when if someone had a tape deck in their car, I assumed they were rich, or were a part of NASA.  Those days are now officially gone:
2011 marks the first year — since I’ve been alive, at least — that you can’t buy a new car with a factory-installed cassette tape player. The last model to be sold with one was a 2010 Lexus.
Sigh. Makes me wistful for my old Ford Fiesta.

In the post, the dude also waxes about mix tapes:
I have a lot of nostalgic affection for my old cassette mixes, and I miss being able to play them in my car. They were so much more handmade and personal than CD mixes: I worked for hours getting the song order right, fading out of songs at just the right time; they were something you could, in some small way, be proud of. I hope to one day rescue my old mixes and convert them into long-playing MP3s, but I don’t think listening to them digitally will be the same.
I've thought the same thing, I'd love to have a website devoted to my old mix tapes, if only I could get them all back!

Was 1996 my "1927 Yankees" year of mix tapes? Interesting. Hmm.


mamalizza said...

i just found two boxes of my old tapes when i went out to seattle. i brought them back not knowing if my car even had a tape player or not, and it does! thank you 1996 toyota makers!

The Gnat said...

I think I have a few of your Roberto Johnsente and the like tapes that I digitized. I may have owrn them out on tape form, but they may still be in a box somewhere.