Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book Jackets

While I can appreciate a good book jacket as a piece of art, I fucking detest them, and the minute I start to read a book with one I remove it.  Turns out I might not be alone, at least here in Brooklyn. My reason is different from those who don't like the way a jacket looks, or want to disguise any trendy new bestseller-cum-movie they're reading while out and about; I just can't stand the way they feel.  They always slide around and shit, and I find myself distracted that the edges aren't perfectly flush.  To the trash, mofo!

I am pleased I'm not the only one with a disdain for people who read books that are movies, although my thinking is even more cynical:
People I Hate: People who run out and buy the book to a movie that's being made so that later on when the movie's coming out they can say they read the book, all while pretending they had no idea it was being made into a movie. Grrrrrrrrr.
Cuz' fuck 'em, that's why!

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