Friday, March 11, 2011

The Britcoms are Coming! The Britcoms are Coming!

I've met Gordon Ramsay, so I consider myself to be an expert on British television, and I enjoyed the hell out of PBS' newest joint, Behind the Britcom: From Script to Screen (especially Richard Curtis, who seems to have written everything Americans have heard with a British accent for two decades, except Johnny Depp in a pirate costume, which seems to have been around for much, much longer than two decades.)

 Two things I learned are that there's a shit-ton of BBC comedies I've never seen that I want to see, and the British people are not the prettiest people on the planet.  Granted, it's commendable that the British choose things like talent and realism over the American way of deciding looks are the only thing that matter on tv.  But there's a fine line between "gee, which Charlie's Angel do I most wanna bang?" and "aaahhhhh...tell you what, how 'bout I just read the script?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wonder if British bachelors are more apt to marry in their 50s? Can they actually get past the...well, nevermind.