Saturday, March 26, 2011

Curt Schilling Going into Hall of Fame

Curt Schilling gave up his douchebag blog a while ago, and I've missed it like crazy cuz I loved h8'n on it.


Good news!  His blog is going into the Hall of Fame!
COOPERSTOWN, NY—In a move not seen since Roberto Clemente’s posthumous induction in 1973, the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York waived its customary five-year waiting period earlier today and elected Curt Schillings’ blog 38pitches into its hallowed halls...“38pitches really set the standard,” said baseball historian Bill James. “There had been athletic blogs before, but they were run by PR guys or by athletes with a mental filler. Schilling had neither of those"...38pitches’ career highlights include 18 spelling and factual errors in a single post in 2007, four updates in a fifteen-minute period in 2008, being the first professional athlete’s blog to announce planned intercourse with a spouse, and a career total of 1,834 references to Jesus Christ, a record for a professional athlete’s blog.

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