Friday, March 25, 2011


Vermont looking for the ol' single payer:
After hours of debate, the Vermont House of Representatives approved a bill that would create a single-payer health care system in Vermont. It passed 92-49. In a meeting right after the vote, the house speaker, the governor and others who worked on the bill called it a historic moment for Vermont.

“Become the first state in the country to make the first substantive step to deliver a health care system where health care will be a right and not a privilege,” said Gov. Peter Shumlin.
Will be interesting to see how Shitt Romney (I just made that up!!!!) claims it's a horrible idea.  I like this:
This week, 200 doctors from 39 states including the District of Columbia signed an open letter saying they would seriously consider moving to the state to practice medicine if it enacted a single payer system. “The idea of having one set of rules, one form for billing, and knowing that all patients are covered – that would be wonderful,” said Scott Graham, a Kentucky family physician who signed the letter.
Wouldn't it be funny if every doctor DID move to Vermont?  “But Xmastime", you say in the voice of Craig “Ironhead” Heyward from those soap commercials (RIP), “they'd have to, since there's all that AIDS there since fags can get married in Vermont!!"

Fucking hell. Sometimes you people really, really disappoint me, with your "isn't this 1983?" selves. Grow up.

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