Friday, March 25, 2011

Eyerolling du Jour

Sully calls out Sniffy's latest Facebook posting, which, even for her, is outrageous in it's "poor me"-ness
Even though it often seems like I’m armed with just a few stones and a sling against a media giant, I’ll use those small resources to do what I can to set the record straight.

Palin has a home-studio and salary from the biggest cable news network; her books have been published, without any fact-checking, by Harper Collins, one of the biggest publishing houses in the country. TLC gave her a reality show. She is, by now, a multimillionaire, based on barely two years in office and John McCain's impulsive Googling. She could get booked on CNN or MSNBC or ABC at a moment's notice. But she is beleaguered and alone against media giants? She does have a good line on my friend Bill Maher, though:

(I won’t bother responding to it though, because it was made by he who reminds me of an annoying little mosquito found zipped up in your tent; he can’t do any harm, but buzzes around annoyingly until it’s time to give him the proverbial slap.)

"By he"? But why doesn't she go on Bill's show if she wants to be David against Goliath? Or any show not on the Fox propaganda channel, or on a reality show where she doesn't get to approve the final cut?
Sully & Sniffy.  I feel like there's a John Cougar Mellencamp song in there somewhere.

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