Saturday, March 26, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

I hate motherfuckers that claim a certain song or tv show is their "guilty pleasure." "MMM-Bop" comes on the radio and they're dancing to it sheepishly and say "oh man, I hate this music but this song is my one guilty pleasure." Yes. Cause I'm sure normally you're in your room listening to Bach's Das Wohltemperierte Clavier. Fucking christ. And you take a break from your "Masterpiece Theatre" marathons for "Real World/Road Rules Challenge", your "guilty pleasure!" If you like "MMM-Bop" just fucking say so you like the fucking song; the only people that will judge you is some douchebag like TA-DA! you!

These people, I wanna break my foot off in their asses. Would I feel guilty? Sure. And it's my fucking pleasure. - XMASTIME

Here's 28 songs you're supposed to be ashamed of knowing the words to.

Dancing Queen (I have yet to hear an ABBA song I didn't like)
(I thought everybody liked this song?)

Safety Dance
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Hmm. Maybe these things have to do with how old you are. Interesting.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

“Dancing Queen”
“Escape (The PiƱa Colada Song)”
“867-5309 (Jenny)”
“I’m Too Sexy”
“I Touch Myself”
“I Want it that Way”