Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy (Almost!) Birfday Big Bear!

Tomorrow is Big Bear's 5th birfday!  His party is today; to celebrate, I will be posting one Big Bear Memory Post for each year   :)

POST 2: Age 1

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Dear Godsons

The one disappointment I have in Lil Bear and The Boy is that they're the only 2 males on the planet who don't think farts are hysterical. I'll let fly a roundhouse to the senses, and instead of howling laughter will be met with blank stares. Disappointing. I guess their thinking is "congratulations on breaking wind, old man. I just shit myself, so..." I look forward to the day they start laughing their heads off at farts. And Yo Mama jokes. IE my whole canon.

"YESSSSSSSS! Another good one, Godfathah!"

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