Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey, Remember

when we all asked for Bush's birth certificate?

And Clinton's? And Bushs? No? Reagan's?  Gee, that's strange.

It's as if we're okay with whatever white person strolls into The White House. But surely, that can't be.

Oh, is.


Marley said...

Interestingly, W's birth certificate was bandied about in his Texas House race by his GOP opponent to show he'd been born "back East."

Turns out W was born in Harlem.

Xmastime said...

dying! turns out, W was TOO real!!!!!!? :)

Marley said...

True story.

As for your jug-eared boyfriend, he was born here.

But his birth certificate (as opposed to the state version) says "BADMUTHAFUCKA"

Everyone knows it. He just doesn't want to lose that Huxtable edge.

Xmastime said...

"that's an Obama sweater"

Marley said...

Ha ha ha ha. Crew neck? Dyin'

Xmastime said...


Leather? on a sweater? really?