Tuesday, March 01, 2011

In America

I love it when someone from my hometown posts something like this on Facebook:
I forgot today was the first of the month until I went into walmart today... the lady in front of me had a big basket of groceries in the lawn and garden section... she was wearing designer clothes, lots of expensive looking jewelry, an expensive handbag and paid for most of it with the food stamp atm card.  then she has to pay for the stuff food stamps won't buy with none other than a nice crisp 100 dollar bill (she had a few others in her wallet also)...no problem until I get out in the parking lot and she is driving a cadillac.
Hmm.  REEEally?  Bit too spot-on, isn't it?  Why even stop there?  Why not her personal staff hops out of the Cadillac and places it onto her private jet, and while boarding the jet she throws gold dubloons into a lake, then screams "Death to white people! Everybody Loves Raymond sucked!" while wiping her ass with the American flag?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds all too Roosky to me, but then, I'm a racist.