Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Libya, Again

... if Congress actually took "public opinion" seriously, this [healthcare] bill would've been passed months ago, as per every single poll I've seen. I've noticed that when politicians want something, they go ahead and do it "for the good of the people." When a Congressman himself is in favor of a bill, he doesn't seem to spend a lot of time going to Town Hall meetings or "on the streets meeting with my constituents." And yet when they DON'T want something, they seem to spend a lot of time "listening to my constituents," and furrowing their brows worrying if it's what "my constituents want," worried that if a single person disagrees with him, it is one too many, and "public opinion" must dictate that he vote "no." And so, even in the face of such un-scientific, non-quantifying things as "counting numbers," they vote how they want to anyway. -XMASTIME
Some people are jumping up and down crying that Obama hasn't really explained this whole Libya thing to us.  Personally, I've always been more interested in a President doing things that make sense, and less in how much time he or member of Congress spends whispering his plans in my ear while drawing graphs with my 64-pack of Crayolas so I understand everything.  George Bush loved to tell us what he planned on doing, which would have been great had his plans not always been idiotic    stupid    incredibly disastrous for the country   somewhat less than optimal for the country.  Instead of Obama saying "here's how and why I'm launching some attacks in yet another Muslim country", I'd rather he said "hey, while you were sleeping I made KFC the National Bird, so we all eat there for free from now on."

FULL DISCLOSURE: an older black gentleman once asked to suck me off in a Hardee's bathroom, which, like KFC, is a restaurant.

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