Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30, 1981

VCU making it to the Final Four (and Richmond coming close) is very exciting, but also depressing, since it reminds us 30 years ago today Lamp/Raker played their last game for UVa in the Final Four consolation game, ie those mystical, dark ages known as When Virginia Basketball mattered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There should really be a work of alternate historical fiction where Reagan dies, Isaiah and IU don't play the game and he comes back to college the next two years and destroys Jordan in 1982 & '83, making Mike's stock drop. Jordan takes up cocaine and gambling earlier in his life and ends up a wreck.
Meanwhile, George H.W. is president for four years and totally botches the Cold War. The Dems take the White house in '84 and who knows where it goes from there.
The only thing absolutely essential to the story JFK Jr. ends up a Senator who becomes well-known for plowing every young starlet in the business. Circle of life? Completed.