Just as my brain was about to turn to mush thanks to it being pounded by her common sense thinking and real American values, she mentioned them almost stepping on each other's words thanks to "the 4-second delay."
Why is there a delay? From what I understand, FOX pumped a coupla million bucks into building her a home studio. I would think that amount of scrillah would get you a studio without an audio delay. And why 4 seconds? Hell, the Apollo 11 moon landing had a radio delay of 2.5 seconds between Houston and the moon. And that was 1969. And they were basically in a tin can, wrapped in aluminum foil...AND THEY WERE ON THE FUCKING MOON!
Meanwhile, I know Sniffy wants us to think that she's in the middle of the woods somewhere in the most rugged place on Earth, miles from civilization and wrestling bears to the ground without our fancy, elitest "'lecticity 'n such" (remember her going 900 miles to pretend to shoot a retarded caribou to "stock the freezer for the winter"?), but Alaska is, you know...ON PLANET EARTH. Matter of fact, it's even in our hemisphere....it's even a part of the United States!
What the fuck? Is this another one of Palin's patented completely unprovoked, unnecessary lies, or do the laws of physics cease to exist when they go up against her?
never mistake meanness for genius.
Palin carries the very same political convictions as everyone else in her party and yet, your non-h8er party seem to have a special sustained dislike for her.
oh if you could only spend one winter walking in Palin's caribouts.
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