Saturday, March 26, 2011

Language. It's Important.

One of the many ways the Democratic party has failed is in it's language; as in, it needs to stop portraying the payment of teachers as "spending," and more as "investment."  They need to stop the notion that we give teachers a pile of money, and then they flush it down a toilet.

So far, I think I heard Obama mention education as an investment in his latest State of the Union, but it quickly disappeared, and has since turned into yet another Caligula-esque fat-cats public employees taking our $crillah, dammit!!

Of course, let's say a teacher teaches for 20 years.  That's, let's conservatively say 1000 kids she DIRECTLY affects.  Now, I know that as lefty-pinko commies we like to portray teachers as sweet, Laura Ingalls Wilder-esque patriots teaching school thanks to their own sense of duty, but the truth is we hope that each teacher churns out as many students as possible that 1) create jobs 2) pay taxes.

Ergo, the less we pay teachers, and the less we incentivize smart people to become teachers, the more we churn out kids that are less capable of creating jobs, or paying taxes.  That doesn't seem right, does it?


Anonymous said...

Up with Incentivization.
Down with indentivization.

momo said...

Agreed, although I think taxpayers are generally aware of their precious investments, the children, and how they with teachers share in the responsibility of imparting useful life skills, critical thinking in preparation for...taxpaying years. The least we can do for the kiddies who are footing the bill as we head into retirement. Beyond that I'm lucky to remember anything as my savings is quickly sucked up by greedy nursing home corporations, and I'm tucked into my all-expense paid Medicaid slot at the convacare.

but you are right, taxpayers need to think beyond the money we spend on teachers to the curriculum. Teach children to be entrepreneurs. To start businesses etc. To train children to identify their talents, to communicate/delegate, to handle and save money, and consider their options and resouces and make good use of their minds and money.