Friday, March 25, 2011

Too Far, T-Paw

I don't wanna spend all day yammering about George Bush, I'd rather be talking about tittays, but I'm reminded of how my saying he was an idiot would always cause his supporters to somehow smugly say that my saying he was an idiot in fact made him smart, and we're seeing the same thing re: calling Michelle Bachmann a complete nutjob is forcing people to try to say that not only is she NOT a nutjob, but she is perfectly capable of being President of the United States.  Bachmann's case doesn't really matter, it's impossible to take anyone making such claims seriously, and she is at least entertaining.  The only way to possibly take her seriously is if she's clever enough to pick someone named "Turner" as her vp.

But I draw the line at the newest example of this reverse logic, warning us of "underestimating Tim Pawlenty."  Please.  That's not remotely possible.  He is Sarah Palin without the charisma: his state fucking hates him, and he basically quit 18 months early.  But his biggest crime is adopting a Southern accent while traveling the South.  First of all, to do that shit in the age of YouTube is fucking stupid.  But more so, it's insulting to Southerners.  We like to be treated like we're stupid, but in the dignified way of asking us to give up our jobs so that rich dudes can get an extra yacht, or in the fear of a black guy owning a home somewhere.  BEING stupid is fine, but SOUNDING stupid is unacceptable, so making us sound like we're Buford Pusser will only serve to bite T-Paw in the ass.

As worthless as he is, I must admit I like the name "T-Paw."

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