Thursday, March 03, 2011

Well. That Didn't Take Long.

The Tea Party has had it with Boehner not destroying the lives of non-millionaires yet.
“You look like a fool,” Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips wrote in a post on the group’s website, directing his message at the Ohio Republican. “Charlie Sheen is now making more sense than John Boehner.”
Seems rather impetuous for them.  They've always seemed like a reasoned, thoughtful bunch.

Christ, give him some time, he just got there!  He's been a little, I dunno, BUSY dickering around with abortion, so fuck you if you don't understand a little thing called "priorities."

Tho it's curious the TP doesn't have any problem at all with billionaires getting their tax cuts, corporations not paying taxes, and oil companies are still getting billions in taxpayer subsidies (and of course not paying taxes on their record-busting profits), all of which would be a hefty chunk of change  I see the TP's point - with  billionaires getting their tax cuts, corporations not paying taxes, and oil companies are still getting billions in subsidies (and of course not paying taxes), seems like the economy should be able to be fixed overnight.  E-z, p-z!

And christ...we can't even read about a bunch of retards bitching without having to hear about Charlie Sheen? Wtf?

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