Friday, March 18, 2011

Who Says Republicans Can't Be Funny?

Dan "Shecky" Burton yukking it up on the floor:
In order to buy time for two colleagues who were running late to a vote, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) “listed movie recommendations, used his cellphone and considered doing impersonations” on the House floor yesterday. Burton’s film recs? The “Lord Of The Dance 3D,” which was released Friday. “I just decided to wing it for a little bit and be a little interesting,” he told reporters afterwards.
Of course since he's a 72 year-old Republican from Indiana he can't let the moment go by without inserting a little racism ("Al Jolson"? REEally? Did we learn NOTHING from Lethal Weapon 5?), but still funny.

AND makes me wonder if I should be a Congressman. Sure I'm not to be taken seriously as a person, and I'm not even the smartest male in my own family born in the early 1970's, but I'd be GREAT in moments like these!  I could go on for hours doing my Flip Wilson as Geraldine impression, or telling high school football stories, whatever.  I'd be a liberal, but my hours and hours of non-stop yammering would be attractive to right-wingers who prefer gridlock. Hell, I should hire myself out to the GOP to be inserted into Congress, and then just start yapping.  "Christ, we've voted on 3 bills since Xmastime showed up 7 years ago."

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