Thursday, April 21, 2011

America is About to Owe Donald Trump Big-Time

The Gilded Double Comb-over is tickling our fancies by claiming he's dug up some "interesting things" on our favorite Muslim President:
...the business mogul told CNN Thursday Americans will be "very surprised" by what he has found.

"We're looking into it very, very strongly. At a certain point in time I'll be revealing some interesting things," Trump said on CNN's American Morning.

Trump first claimed earlier this month he had sent investigators to Obama's home state in an effort to find out if the president was indeed born there, as he says he was and several media organization's independent investigations have confirmed.

"I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding."
Such as, presumably, Obama spent some time as a youth sailing the high seas, enslaving white women under the threat of chopping their heads off while robbing them of their treasures (and, worse, wore a single earring in the "gay" ear.)



Unknown said...

If it meant somehow that you got a chance to get all up in Ivanka, would you accede to a two-term Trump presidency?

And she would give you herpes, too. Still do it?

Xmastime said...

is there a question in there somewhere?

Unknown said...

I am sufficiently chastened.

Ivanka guts are the most luxurious guts in the world.