Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22

While obviously today's date is universally known for being Sistatime!'s birfday, it's also the date that some fucking insane thing called The Land Run of 1889 happened:
The Oklahoma Land Run of 1889 was the first land run into the Unassigned Lands and included all or part of the 2005 modern day Canadian, Cleveland, Kingfisher, Logan, Oklahoma, and Payne counties of the U.S. state of Oklahoma.  The land run started at high noon on April 22, 1889, with an estimated 50,000 people lined up for their piece of the available two million acres....By the end of the day both Oklahoma City and Guthrie had established cities of around 10,000 people in literally half a day. As Harper's Weekly put it:
At twelve o'clock on Monday, April 22d, the resident population of Guthrie was nothing; before sundown it was at least ten thousand. In that time streets had been laid out, town lots staked off, and steps taken toward the formation of a municipal government."
Many settlers immediately started improving their new land or stood in line waiting to file their claim. Many children sold creek water to homesteaders waiting in line for five cents a cup, while other children gathered buffalo chips to provide fuel for cooking. By the second week, schools had opened and were being taught by volunteers paid by pupils' parents until regular school districts could be established. Within one month, Oklahoma City had five banks and six newspapers.
Fucking christ.  Nowadays it takes longer to change your settings on Facebook.


The Gnat said...

See Cruise and Kidman's Far and Away. Also known as Top Mick.

The Gnat said...

It is actually on HBO right now. Spooky.