Friday, April 22, 2011

Chris Christie is Always Right.

One of the Right's favorite ways of getting stupid people to support them against their own economic interests is to convince them that if they make rich people pay taxes, they'll go running for the hills, taking all their "trickle down" $crillah with them.  For instance,  Rex Ryan  Chris Christie insisted on eliminating the millionaire's tax, and gee, whaddya know, a study shows that the tax had no effect on millionaires coming or going into New Jersey.

Of course, one might see this info and think "gee, reinstating the tax would be a nice, easy way to get a nice revenue stream for the state," but I "doubt" Christie will think that, and instead will double down, maybe by direct depositing poor people's paychecks into Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen's Swiss Bank account.

"Hey, who knew? that a hot pocket?  Nom nom nom!"

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