Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Congratulations to the Foo fighters

The Foo Fighters have officially become this generation's Aerosmith, thanks to some..."rocking!" (cough) album they once put out that now allows them to put out decades and decades of absolute shit, and then us having to endure a full-on media blitz "omg!  new Foos album!!  Shut down television, it's all Foos!!!  Ooooh, Dave's rocking!  He's chewing gum and flopping his long hair all over the place!  This is incredible!""

Fucking christ.  Great, another piece of shit rock-by-the-numbers dullsville album.  Thanks, guys.  I look forward to trying to figure out which "heavy" track on the album is about St. Kurt. 

At least Steven Tyler thought enough of us to start rolling his daughter out into every video and making her be a naked whore, for chrissake.  And while I know we're supposed to be giving the emotional slow clap to Grohl for dissing Glee, whatever the fuck that is, if you don't think he's gonna be a judge on American Idol within five years you're out of your goddam mind.


The Gnat said...

Their least hard, "obviously pussified" album There is Nothing Left to Lose is by far their best. Even Grohl admits it, but he still has to RAWK for the little Beavises out there.

Kiko Jones said...

I was a huge fan of the first 3 albums and saw the band live 5 times during that period, but the number of Foo songs I've liked since then can be counted on one hand, with enough fingers left to play some chords. The material has become painfully rote and stale, yet the band is now bigger than ever.

Regarding Cobain, I will never question Grohl's feelings towards his dead friend and bandmate. But I doubt KC would dig the music Grohl's been shoveling out over the last decade.