Saturday, April 09, 2011

Hey, Whaddyafuckingknow

Also why nothing will move on global warming until some Republican's kid drowns due to a melted polar icecap, I reckon.- XMASTIME
Right-wingers who have been to prison have compassion for prisoners:
While incarcerated, he learned "of the realities of street level American race relations; of the pathology of incorrigible criminals; and of the wasted opportunities for the reintegration of many of these people into society. I saw at close range the failure of the U.S. War on Drugs, with absurd sentences, (including 20 years for marijuana offences, although 42% of Americans have used marijuana and it is the greatest cash crop in California.)."
Of course. As we already know, they're incapable of giving a shit about anyone or anything unless it directly affects them personally.

Except for, of course, lower and middle class Republicans who can't sleep at night out of fear that the uber-wealthy won't be allowed to take their houses from them.  THOSE right-wingers are curiously compassionate.

I'm naming my next Bathhouse Banjo Band "Dyslexic Compassion."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Bill Maher:

And finally, New Rule. As long as we've got three wars going, America needs to add one more: a class war.

It's time working Americans told Wall Street the same thing that the good people of Detroit told Charlie Sheen last Saturday night. "This is bullshit and I want my money back."


Americans need to have a Detroit moment where they realize they're pooling their money, and wasting it on the richest guy in the room. The richest 1% hoard an obscene amount of the wealth, while the average American has to save up to eat at Red Lobster on his birthday.

Wake up!

As long as we've got three wars going, America needs to add one more: a class war.

It's time working Americans told Wall Street the same thing that the good people of Detroit told Charlie Sheen last Saturday night. "This is bullshit and I want my money back."

Now, two interesting things are happening in America right now. Charlie Sheen, a millionaire armed only with a few catch phrases and two porn actresses who smell like ammonia, launched a self-pity tour because he can't have a TV show. While the Republicans, the party of millionaires, are shutting down the government because they can't have a tax-free world. As Paul Ryan says, it's not a budget, it's a cause. Like slavery. Like supporting one of the luckiest guys in the world in his quest to get all that's coming to him.

Folks, if you go to a show, and the guy on stage says, "Sorry, dude, I got your money already," like Charlie said, you're not IN on the joke, you ARE the joke.

You're not his friend or one of his chosen people, and you're not going to be him someday in paradise if you drink his tiger blood. That's Jesus you're thinking of. This is the guy from the sitcom about making dirty jokes to a fat kid.

So, you can know that a rock makes a shitty pet, but if you buy a pet rock, you're still an idiot. Ask your dentist. A shit-eating grin doesn't change the fact that you've been eating shit.

And that's the difference between being Charlie Sheen's girlfriend and Charlie Sheen's fan. If you're his girlfriend and you get fucked, he pays you!

And if you think a guy living large, and rubbing your nose in it that you're not, is funny, oh, here's one you'll really love.

You have to pay your taxes next week, and General Electric doesn't. That's right, GE, America's largest corporation, employs 975 people just to work on their taxes, which, it turns out, is a really great way to handle your taxes. Way better than what you have, a Vietnamese guy at the H&R Block who's using an abacus. Yeah, GE paid no taxes on $14 billion in profit. Why aren't people mad at them?

If I had to pick a phrase that encapsulates the American economy in the last decade, it surely would be, "I've already got your money, dude."

There's a law now forbidding credit card companies from screwing you with fine print and sudden unjustified rate hikes. To which the credit card company said, "I already got your money, dude."

Or maybe you lost your job in a recession caused by already rich people who bundled horseshit loans, and then took "too big to fail" pity money from Uncle Sam. "Already got your money, dude."

Americans need to have a Detroit moment where they realize they're pooling their money, and wasting it on the richest guy in the room. The richest 1% hoard an obscene amount of the wealth, while the average American has to save up to eat at Red Lobster on his birthday.

Wake up!

Because somehow, they're banging the porn stars, and you're getting the crabs.