Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How Is This Even Possible?

I feel like this should be bigger news:
Today, in a 5-4 opinion by Justice Scalia, the Supreme Court effectively eliminated all consumer class actions and left corporate America free to cheat every single one of their customers a few dollars at a time.  Scalia’s opinion in AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion permits corporations to refuse to do business with anyone who refuses to sign away their right to bring a class action lawsuit if the corporation breaks the law. After Concepcion, it is only a matter of time before nearly every credit card provider, cell phone company, mail-order business or even every potential employer requires anyone who wants to do business with them to first give up their right to file a class action.
I suppose the useful fools tools of the right will scramble the jets and somehow convince everybody that unless we did this, heroic "small businesses" wouldn't be able to create jobs.

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