Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Internet

With all the loud, histrionic stupid shit we've gotten so used to seeing on the internet (political snark, tittiestittiestitties, sports radio message boards, "humor" sites, et al), it's almost alarming when you come upon a subtle, quiet slice of life that is possible because of the internet, such as sharing with the planet your dying husband's last view of the world.  The quiet poignancy is breathtaking.  I wonder how long it'll be until there's websites of people out there who literally take a snapshot of what they see as their eyes are closing for the final time.

On another note, here's a woman blogging about her plane's crash landing, complete with photos and texts to her husband.  It's a bit too rubber-necky for me, and I wonder how long it is until there's a web industry of self-made snuff films, people inside planes that are crashing filming the chaos, and either hoping their iPhone survives, or emailing it at the last second. Grisly.

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