Friday, April 29, 2011

Les Fighting Princes

Sully points out something interesting HERE:
The Royal Family's engagement with military service at all levels is something Americans don't always appreciate. It's the highest test of patriotism - and perhaps because of their privilege, each generation serves.
Obviously neither of the princes is gonna be on the front lines or anything, but I'm amazed every time I read that they're not only in the military, but fly jets, which isn't exactly Joe DiMaggio spending World War II playing baseball with fellow troops.  If I was a prince there's no way I'd do that shit - "ummm, hell-O?  I'm a prince! I don't risk my incredibly fabulous, sex-filled life, thank you very much!"  I'd be the Beetle Bailey of the Royal Guard.

It's also a reminder that as much as we like to think we do, our leaders having any military experience is something we don't really give a shit about.  Hell, we STILL don't have any idea what Dubyanuts was doing for 18 months when he was in the Guard, and yet the only person who faced any consequences for it was Dan Rather.

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