Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Loving Family

I'm looking forward to this movie.
Our documentary feature film, currently in production, tells the dramatic story of Mildred and Richard Loving, a black and Cherokee woman married to a white man (against the law in 1958-Virginia) and of their famous anti-miscegenation case argued in the Supreme Court in 1967. Thrown into rat-infested jails and exiled from their hometown for 25 years, the Lovings fought back and changed history. Using rare archival footage, home movies, photographs, interviews with witnesses, friends and family, and poetic visual and narrative sequences, the documentary will build a complex portrait of the couple at the heart of marriage equality in this country. It will also do something rare in storytelling - look at the story itself as it has mutated over the years, with the understanding that history is only as reliable as those who tell it.
My bold/italics.  As in I grew up in Virginia, and during the many, many, MANY discussions I heard about how awesome Virginia was, this particular case rather curiously never came up.

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