Tuesday, April 05, 2011

More Shutdown

a lá Boehner dragging his feet to prevent a shutdown:
To illustrate just how tense the situation has become, Boehner (R-Ohio) did not initially commit to a meeting President Barack Obama plans to host at the White House on Tuesday — the same day House Republicans plan to release their entitlement-slashing budget plan for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1. Boehner’s office confirmed late Monday that he will attend but arrive after it starts.
How does that show how "tense" anything is? Boehner showing up late should signal something about what he's thinking? Why?  Isn't he always on CPT?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is Josh Plouffeman planning a walk up Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol Building? Is Baraklett sulking because Abigelle is stonewalling him?

Will Amy Gardner give up the gushy stuff later, or are they dunzo?

Find out this week on "Political theater imitating TV shows from 2003."