Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nerds. They're Fucking Everywhere. (But Prolly Not Fucking)

Latin II I ruled; for some reason I could read Latin like a mf. Which luckily, as it turns out, means as much to the ladies as great looks or money. Hmm. Plus, our teacher was so old I'm not saying she invented the language, but her social security number was XXIV. I mean, her first name was "SVSAN", for chrissakes. And she was addicted to "Jeopardy!", so if in the first 5 minutes of class we could get her distracted by bringing last night's show up, she'd start blathering away about it till the bell rang. If bringing up"Jeopardy!" didn't work, I'd hang brain in front of her desk so she could lecture me for 45 minutes that "a young mans testes, no matter how large, pulsing and beautiful are NOT to be displayed in a classroom" blah blah blah, bell!  - XMASTIME
Anyhoo, it appears you can find the questions and answers to every Jeopardy! game HERE.

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