Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

Why are wedding vows exchanged in the beginning of the ceremony?  I mean, after five minutes, they were offically married.  Then we had to sit around for another 55 minutes.  Isn't the exchange of vows the climax?  I don't start out a session of lovemaking by jizzing on a girl's tits, and THEN spend an hour slowly dripping vodka into her water drop by drop, do I?  What the hell?

Also, isn't part of the fun secretly hoping that the second before the "I do", someone will freak out and not do it?  Wouldn't it be good to at least have that to look forward to during the ceremony?  Get that out of the way so quickly, and you're basically just sitting around in a suit listening to crappy songs that nobody really cares about.

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