Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sniffy is a Complicated Woman.

Interest in Sarah Palin has declined to the point that the other day she had one of her consigliĆ©res (only The SniffFather gets more than one) whine about the media ignoring some speech she gave, despite her political identity being partly based on her disdain for a "lamestream media" that is out to get her and won't leave her alone.  Pathetic.

Which is why I'm puzzled she's let that whack Wonkette diss of her son Trig (finally deleted after almost a week, go find it somewhere else I'm too lazy) go by without jumping at the chance to combine her greatest roles, the victim and the Mama Grizzly.  I'd think seeing such a piece (vulgar and over the line even by my own Sniffy h8n' standards, and we all know I'm not above a "he's a fucking retard" joke) would have her rubbing her salmon-catching paws together and licking her chops with glee at the attention she could get from it.  Hmm.  Interesting.

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