Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Someone Needs to Explain to Me...

...why Tina Fey is now coming under attack for "exploiting " Sarah Palin.

Good for Fey for rolling her eyes at the accusations.  First of all, the Queen of exploiting anybody and anything with any chance she gets in Sarah Palin.  I don't recall her quietly going back to the daily struggles of helping her beloved Alaska after the 2008 election, do you?

AND it's hard to believe any such argument when Palin herself looked like a pig in shit to go on SNL with Fey, and, to her credit, took part in one of the greatest SNL moments of the last decade (in top 3, along with the Barry Gibb Talk Show, and the Disneyland Debbie Downer sketches.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it. just. gets. old.

time to move on.